Friday, September 14, 2018

Three Places to Scuba Dive in Turks and Caicos

A Florida resident with a diverse professional background, Bill Oliver draws upon experience gained at companies such as Vicrin IGF Pharmaceuticals in Charleston, South Carolina. Currently a medical sales representative in Sarasota, Bill Oliver pursues a diverse range of hobbies, including kayaking and traveling, in his free time. An avid scuba diver, he has performed dives in Turks and Caicos.

One of the premier scuba diving locations in the world, the Turks and Caicos Islands feature crystal clear waters, coral reefs, and vibrant marine life. Here are three of the best dive spots in the region:

- Salt Cay. Situated near the Columbus Passage, the secluded Salt Cay features a British shipwreck and series of caverns to explore. In the winter months, divers might even get a chance to see humpback whales passing through as they migrate to their breeding grounds.

- Columbus Landfall Marine National Park. The largest national park in the islands, this protected Grand Turk marine preserve features more than two dozen dive sites and a reef that extends more than 1,000 feet from shore.

- Northwest Point Marine Park. Situated off the coast of Provo, this protected marine area is characterized by soft and hard coral and a wall that starts in just 35 feet of water and descends to more than 3,000 feet beneath the surface. Diving at this park offers opportunities to view barracuda, yellowtail tuna, and other aquatic creatures.

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Three Places to Scuba Dive in Turks and Caicos

A Florida resident with a diverse professional background, Bill Oliver draws upon experience gained at companies such as Vicrin IGF Pharm...